ONLINE, CROATIA 23rd and 24th September 2023

Artfulness Journal of visual essays

Dear readers, In front of you is the first edition of Artfulness Journal - a magazine of visual essays from the first conference called "Artfulness". At the online conference in September 2023, over two intensive days, almost a hundred presenters, listeners and workshop leaders had the opportunity to discuss over forty topics related to the newly created concept artfulness. The participants of the conference accepted this term created from the English words "art" and "mindfulness" and were able to apply it in their practice, that is, they saw that in their practice it was already in some way applied, so united at this conference they had the opportunity to share common experiences and views of art in the context of upbringing and education, and they shared their experiences so enthusiastically and proudly that we believe that the concept of "artfulness" must continue to spread. One of the ways to do that is this journal you have in front of you.

The visual essays that you have the opportunity to see here are not such a commonly used paper form, but we think that they are ideal for artists and practitioners because as we all know "a picture is worth a thousand words" and the short and concise form of the visual essay fits so well in today's age in which we don't have much time, and yet we want to be inspired by new ideas and knowledge and learn something new. We hope that this Artfulness Journal will inspire and encourage you to try your hand at applying artfulness in your business and private life, and that you will try your hand at creating a visual essay in the future. We would like to thank everyone who joined the Artfulness 2023 conference, and especially those who decided to submit a visual essay for the Artfulness Journal. We believe that all of you are bearers of art and culture in your communities, advocates of positive changes in society, and we are glad that we were all part of a beautiful story together, and we hope that this is not the end of our cooperation!

Dragi čitatelji, pred Vama se nalazi prvo izdanje Artfulness Journala – časopisa vizualnih eseja s prve konferencije pod nazivom Artfulness. Na online je konferenciji u rujnu 2023. u intenzivna dva dana gotovo stotinu izlagača, slušača i voditelja radionica imalo priliku razgovarati o preko četrdeset tema koje su povezane s novotvorenicom artfulness. Taj su pojam nastao od engleskih riječi "art" (hrv. umjetnost) i "mindfulness" (hrv. usredotočena svjesnost) sudionici konferencije izvrsno prihvatili te su ga uspjeli primijeniti u svojoj praksi, odnosno uvidjeli su da ga u svojoj praksi već na neki način i primjenjuju pa su objedinjeni na ovoj konferenciji imali priliku podijeliti zajednička iskustva i viđenje umjetničkog u kontekstu odgoja i obrazovanja, a dijelili su svoja iskustva tako entuzijastično i ponosno da smatramo kako se pojam artfulness mora i dalje širiti. Jedan od načina za to je i ovo izdanje koje imate pred sobom.

Vizualni eseji koje ovdje imate priliku vidjeti nisu tako često korištena forma za pisane radove, ali smatramo da su idealni za umjetnike i praktičare jer kao što svi znamo "slika govori više od tisuću riječi" te kratka i jezgrovita forma vizualnog eseja tako dobro pristaje današnjemu dobu u kojem nemamo puno vremena, a opet se želimo nadahnuti novim idejama i spoznajama te saznati nešto novo. Nadamo se da će vas ovaj Artfulness Journal nadahnuti i potaknuti da se i sami okušate u primjeni artfulnessa u svome radu i životu te da ćete se i sami u budućnosti okušati u oblikovanju vizualnog eseja. Zahvaljujemo svima koji su se priključili konferenciji Artfulness 2023, a pogotovo onima koji su se odlučili poslati vizualni esej za Artfulness Journal. Smatramo da ste svi Vi nositelji umjetnosti, kulture u svojim sredinama, zagovornici pozitivnih promjena u društvu i drago nam je što smo svi zajedno bili dio jedne lijepe priče te se nadamo da ovo nije kraj naše suradnje!

artistic & scientific gathering

The theme of the 2023 International Artistic and Scientific Conference on Arts and Creativity in Education is 'ARTFULNESS'. The conference theme of 'ARTFULNESS'offers a unique opportunity to share heterogeneous content from different fields of artistic creation (dance, music, fine and dramatic arts, literature and new media), from global policy to local action, from individual subjects to transdisciplinary learning. We tend to gather a wide international community of artists, scientists, professors, teachers, educators, pedagogues, postgraduate doctorate and specialization students and other academic citizens with a goal to exchange and generate new creative ideas, to present scientific and artistic projects, to exchange knowledge about new approaches and innovations in the fields of arts and education and to establish cooperation.

'Artfulness' is a term derived from artful and mindfulness and its purpose is to promote artistic expression in education as well as in the daily practices of humans and communities. The principles of 'artfulness' are sourced from artists and their creative process because its primordial nature enables a person to be fully focused, present and aware.The goal of 'artfulness' is to stimulate the inner work of our emotional, physical and mental processes through artistic expression and to catalyze art in reconceptualizing education.

According to Alex J. Calder in a recent article entitled 'Artfulness: Intertextuality, wordplay and precariousness in contemporary experimental fiction', published in the journal Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, artfulness provides a new perspective on contemporary aesthetics. Artful writers and their writing advance a new genre which explores the complexities of human connection and has the potential to reorient discussions that build new bridges across the arts, creativities and educations.


ONLINE, Croatia, 23rd and 24th September 2023

The conference program will consist of sections:

1.. Practising 'artfulness' in educational institutions

2. Enacting critical posthumanist perspectives for re-purposing education

3. Accepting/acknowledging street art and exploring the hidden spaces of the community

4. Rethinking trauma as a challenge and a path to creativity

5. Reconceptualizing childhood within museum spaces, concert halls and theaters

6. Advancing digital technologies as partner in artistic practice

7. Reconfiguring education for artistic literacy

The conference can be attended in person and online. 







Four special prizes will be awarded at the conference:

  • The most passionate and expressive presentation (awarded by a Spanish jury)
  • The most spiritualized and meditative presentation ( awarded by a Canadian jury)
  • The most brave and rebellious presentation ( awarded by a English jury)
  • The most resourceful and creative presentation ( awarded by a Croatian jury)

organizing committee

Prof. Antonija Balić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Prof. Pam Burnard, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, UK

Prof. Anita Sinner, PhD, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Prof. Rita Irwin, EdD, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Prof. Ricardo Marin Viadel, PhD, Universidad de Granada,

Ivan Živanović, mag. musicol., Juan D'Arienzo Tango School, president of Media Luna, Zagreb, Croatia

Marija Cestarić, mag. musicol., et philol. croat., 10th Grammar School, Zagreb, Croatia


Prof. Antonija Balić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Prof. Pamela Burnard, PhD, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, UK

Prof. Rita Irwin, EdD, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Associate Prof. Jerneja Herzog, PhD, University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Slovenia

Prof. Tomislav Krznar, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Associate Prof. Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia

Prof. Ricardo Marin Viadel, PhD, Universidad de Granada, Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Body Expression, Spain

Assistant Prof. Branimir Mendeš, PhD, University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Croatia

Assistant Prof. Višnja Rajić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Associate Prof. Anita Sinner, PhD, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Morana Varović Čekolj, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Prof. Damir Velički, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Prof. Jelena Vignjević PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Assistant Prof. Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Associate Prof. Ana Vivoda, PhD, University of Zadar, Department of Teacher Education Studies, Croatia

Assistant Prof. Marijana Županić Benić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia